19 February 2012

Millenium Falcon

This entry is dedicated to a young Jedi knight living near Paris.  May the Force be with you, Emmit...

A long time ago (early February) in a galaxy far, far away (Wisconsin)...

You've never heard of the Millenium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.  So you know it's good.  So good, in fact, that Lego offers a delightful version that you can construct yourself.  Here's what the process looks like.

You read this right, folks.  1,254 pieces.  It also says Ages 9-14, but that's a typo.  I'm pretty sure it was supposed to say 9-30...

Ok so here we have all the contents, including a fully functional hyperdrive.  You gotta have a fully functional hyperdrive or you'll never make the jump into hyperspace.

Above you see the people included in the set.  For those of you unfamiliar with the Star Wars oeuvre, allow me to introduce these characters and give you some quick background info.

The Players (from left to right):

  • Luke Skywalker - Let's just say this kid has some Daddy issues and leave it at that.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi - Just the guy you want if you need to go to Mos Eisley.
  • Chewbacca - If you think about it, he's naked except for the bandolier.  Probably best not to think about it.
  • Han Solo - He's a scoundrel, but he looks a lot like Indiana Jones so the ladies love him.
  • Princess Leia - She has so many Daddy issues she kissed her brother.  
  • Darth Vader - He doesn't even have a Daddy.  Not enough space here to go into his issues.

That's a quick rundown of that motley crew.  Now let's get to the good part - the Millenium Falcon!  I put in the DVD for Episode IV A New Hope and started building...

The layout is starting to take shape!

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.

It's really starting to take shape now.  All we need now are a roof and front pieces.

Won't be long now!

Et voila!

The final piece went into place about 25 minutes into Return of the Jedi.  Pretty nice Sunday afternoon if you ask me.

Check out the control consoles.  It turns out the Millenium Falcon had a QWERTY keyboard.

This set was an absolute blast to put together.  If you are a Star Wars fan and/or a Lego fan, you can't go wrong with this one.  Put the movies on TV and take a trip down memory lane.

1 comment:

  1. Great post man! You've probably heard this before, but you got a really nice big set there.

    Love the detail in the pics. A vicarious build-thrill.

    Thanks dude.
